' Narrow Gate Vineyards - Narrow Gate Botanical Spritz

Food, Wine and Life

Narrow Gate Botanical Spritz
a lovely spritzSip a bouquet in a glass. Mix our botanically infused Dry Vermouth with our sparkling “Pet Nat” and a splash of bubbly orange water for a refreshing spritz. We love to forage for the garnish and happened to hit it just right last weekend with Cecil Bruner pink rose buds, rose petals, lavender buds, Santa Barbara daisies, and violas.

Makes 1 Spritz

2 ½ ounces Narrow Gate Vineyards Dry Vermouth
2 ½ ounces Petillant Natural (Pet Nat) Sparkling Wine
1-ounce orange flavored sparkling water (optional)
Thinly sliced lemon
Organic (not sprayed) edible flowers such as violas, rose buds and petals, calendula or marigold petals, flowering herbs, or lavender buds.

Fill wine glass with ice and top with Dry Vermouth, Pet Nat, and sparkling water if using. Stir gently and add lemon. Arrange flowers on top. Enjoy!
Post By:   Teena Hildebrand